バージョン: v2.10



Video tag doesn't fire "ended" event

videoタグを使用している場合、ビデオの再生が終了しても"ended"イベントが発火しません。 これはWebkitのバグであり、次のような回避策を講じることで修正できます:

videoTag.addEventListener("timeupdate", (event) => {
if (event.target.duration - event.target.currentTime < 0.2) {
let ended = new Event("ended");

出典: ディスカッションボードにおけるLyimmiのコメント

GStreamer error when using Audio or Video elements

If you are seeing the following error when including <Audio> or <Video> elements on Linux, you may need to install gst-plugins-good.

GStreamer element autoaudiosink not found. Please install it


Run the following distro relevant install command:

pacman -S gst-plugins-good

If the added package does not resolve the issue, additional GStreamer dependencies may be required. See the GStreamer installation page for more details.

Additional Notes

Source: developomp on the Tauri discussion board.